Affordable Bail Bonds & Bonding Service
We Are Available From 8am to 10pm
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When you need bail bonding in Albuquerque, New Mexico, you can depend on Gerald Madrid Bail Bonds to come to your rescue with affordable bail bonds. We guarantee we will get your loved one out of jail, no matter how low or how high the bail amount, or give you your money back.
We Mean Business!
Getting processed through jail can take a long time, sometimes days. Those unfamiliar with the way the system operates can find themselves unsure of what to do or who to call for help. Gerald Madrid Bail Bonds is happy to guide you through every step of the process with affordable bail bonds:
- Local, state, federal and immigration bonds
- 10% bail bonding fee
- We service any part of the U.S.A. by phone
- Free email and cell phone alert messaging for your court date
The bail bond process can be confusing and difficult to understand, but Gerald Madrid Bail Bonds make it our job to help you through the process without any hassles.
Best Bail Bond Agents
Our bail bond agents are the best in Albuquerque, NM. Gerald Madrid provides pre-licensing instruction and continuing education classes for the New Mexico Department of Insurance. When other bail agencies have questions, they call us!
Contact Us Today
For affordable bail bonds in Albuquerque, NM, choose Gerald Madrid Bail Bonds. We have provided bail bonding to clients in the city since 1984 and are here to answer any questions you have about bail bonds, warrants, and jails. Everything you tell us is 100% confidential. Contact us today.