Bosque Farms Felony & Misdemeanor Bail Bonds

Answering The Phone For 39 Years!


We Are Available From 8am to 10pm

Whether you or a loved one has been arrested for a felony or a misdemeanor in Bosque Farms, Gerald Madrid Bail Bonds can help you get the jail bond you need.

Typically, felony and misdemeanor bail bonds only differ in the amount of bail needed:

Felony and Federal Bail Bonds

Felony bail bonds tend to be for larger amounts than misdemeanor bail bonds given the serious nature of these charges. With a 10% premium, these bonds have the potential to cause undue financial strain on some families. To make felony and federal bail bonds as affordable as possible, we offer bail bonds for as little as 5% down. The remaining 7% is able to be paid back gradually with our flexible, no-interest financing.

Misdemeanor Bail Bonds

Misdemeanor bail bonds are generally for smaller amounts than felony and federal bail bonds. Our bail bonds are available for 10% of the total bail amount with a standard minimum fee of $50.

Gerald Madrid Bail Bonds has been serving New Mexico with quality, affordable bail bond service since 1984. In that time, we’ve helped over 57,000 people get out of jail.

As a locally-owned and operated bail bond agency, providing quality, dependable service is our number one goal. Our service is 100% confidential and we GUARANTEE we’ll get your loved one out of jail—or your money back. Contact us for a free consultation today.

Get Out Of Jail Now!

Although the bail bond process can be confusing, our bail bond agents are here to make it easy. Information is always free and available at Gerald Madrid Bail Bonds, so contact us any time you have questions about bail bonds, warrants or need jail information.
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